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Electric fence

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12:47 18/09/2002 Last update - 12:47 18/09/2002

Elbit Systems wins deal to build Jerusalem electronic fence

By Reuters

TEL AVIV - Israeli defense contractor Elbit Systems said on Wednesday it won a $5 million deal to build a "smart" electronic fence around part of Jerusalem.

The system, already in use on Israel's northern border with Lebanon and its border with the Gaza Strip, will detect any attempts to cross into the city during day or night and in all weather conditions.

The fence is part of the government's efforts to stop suicide bombers entering Jerusalem with a 50-km (30-mile) fence and other physical barriers on the city's borders with the West Bank. At least 80 people in Jerusalem have been killed in suicide attacks during a two-year Palestinian uprising.

The Defense Ministry contract is for a 25-km electronic
fence and warning system, Elbit said in a statement.

The project, to be carried out by Elbit's unit Ortek in cooperation with U.S. firm Detektion and Israel's EDIG, has the potential to expand into other areas beyond Jerusalem, Elbit said.

In addition to the Jerusalem fence, Israel started work in May on a 300-km fence along the West Bank to prevent the infiltration of suicide bombers and car bombs following a series of deadly attacks earlier this year.

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