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NewsMinewar-on-terrorisraelapartheid — abuse

Amnesty accuses IDF of war crimes
Hizballah leader says israel tortured him { January 27 2004 }
Israel acknowledges running secret jail { June 30 2003 }
Israel tortures
Israeli army under scrutiny after citizen is shot { December 29 2003 }
Israelis organize exhibit depicts abuse of palestinians { June 24 2004 }
Police used excessive force on israeli arabs { September 2 2003 }
Prisoner abuse common in israeli prisons { June 16 2004 }
Report accuses israel excessive force
Torture in israel has again become routine { August 22 2003 }

Files Listed: 10


CIA FOIA Archive

National Security
Support one-state solution for Israel and Palestine Tea Party bumper stickers JFK for Dummies, The Assassination made simple