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Us launches arab satellite station { February 14 2004 }

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US launches Arab satellite station. 14/02/2004. ABC News Online

Last Update: Saturday, February 14, 2004. 8:16pm (AEDT)
US launches Arab satellite station
A new satellite television station funded by the United States Government has begun transmissions to the Middle East.

The station, Alhurra, or "The Free One", is aimed at winning hearts and minds in the Arab world but had already been criticised in the Middle East before its launch.

US President George W Bush says the new station is intended to cut through what he calls the hateful propaganda that fills the airwaves in the Muslim world.

With offices in several capitals and a budget of more than $US60 million, Alhurra is an expensive undertaking.

It will broadcast live from Springfield, Virginia to 22 countries in the Middle East and is operated by the same US authority that oversees the Voice of America.

It is meant to provide an alternative to existing satellite TV stations like al-Jazeera.

Several commentators in the region have rejected it, even before it goes on air.

"Where do they get this stuff from? Why do they keep up insulting us"? asked an editorial in Lebanon's Daily Star newspaper.

Among its first transmissions will be an interview with Mr Bush which the White House says will allow him to explain his commitment to spreading freedom and democracy in the Middle East.

-- BBC

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