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NewsMinepropoganda — brainwash

All kids to pledge allegiance at same time
Arab faces american tv invasion { April 24 2003 }
Balance news war { October 31 2001 }
Brainwash office { July 30 2002 }
Budget 4m year arab magazine
Cark bernstein laments idiot culture { March 19 2004 }
Cultural offensive against terrorism
Dhs kids brainwash program to begin { January 20 2006 }
Dhs ready kids [jpg]
Gore says tv brainwashing nation { November 12 2003 }
Influence office
Mtv arabs
Nazi youth camp
Patriotic students interrupt anti war speech
Public opinion war { November 1 2001 }
Pull web sites { September 10 2001 }
Rather patriotism { May 17 2002 }
Rather timid
Va license plate { July 2 2002 }
Windtalkers censored { June 15 2002 }

Files Listed: 20


CIA FOIA Archive

National Security
Support one-state solution for Israel and Palestine Tea Party bumper stickers JFK for Dummies, The Assassination made simple