News and Document archive source
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NewsMinepropoganda — state-control

Administration paid commentator to promote nclb { January 8 2005 }
All the presidents newsmen { January 16 2005 }
Arnold press videos aired as news { March 14 2005 }
Baltimore sun lawsuit against gov ehrlich { February 14 2005 }
Blair attacks bbc for not supporting bush { September 18 2005 }
Bush audiences screened hand picked { March 31 2005 }
Bush conversation with troops staged
Bush orders end to hiring columnists
Bush paid columnist gets radio show { March 3 2005 }
Bushs loyal reporters team { February 18 2005 }
Colbert said press tool of whitehouse
Ehrlich allowed to deny press access { February 14 2005 }
Fed education violated propaganda ban { September 30 2005 }
House passes steeper indecency fines { February 16 2005 }
Judith was government stooge journalist { October 17 2005 }
More quran abuse despite newsweek retraction { May 26 2005 }
New cbs boss is bush supporter { October 27 2005 }
No media coverage for return coffins { October 21 2003 }
Packaged bush videos used as news { March 13 2005 }
Pbs takes bush officials for pro republican change { May 2 2005 }
Republican chairman of pbs pushes conservative programs { May 12 2005 }
Republican used political tests for pbs hires
Senate may ban releases that imitate news
Stop government propoganda act { January 27 2005 }
US agency gives fake news conference
Washington post withholds news at request of pentagon { November 2 2005 }
White house criticizes newsweek report causing afghan incident { May 16 2005 }
White house told journalists how to response to 911 { October 9 2006 }
Writer backing bush plan had federal contract { January 26 2005 }

Files Listed: 29


CIA FOIA Archive

National Security
Support one-state solution for Israel and Palestine Tea Party bumper stickers JFK for Dummies, The Assassination made simple