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Pro war country song { March 4 2003 }

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Controversy Stirs Over Pro-War Country Song
Local Station Plays Tune Hourly

POSTED: 11:06 a.m. PST March 4, 2003
UPDATED: 11:09 a.m. PST March 4, 2003

SAN DIEGO -- A San Diego country station may be playing a controversial pro-war song more than any station in America.

The song, "Have You Forgotten," by Darryl Worley, is played every hour on the hour on KSON-FM. Station officials say the song appeals to the city's military community, and that calls supporting the song far outweigh those objecting to it.

Some critics have complained the song supports a possible war with Iraq by comparing Iraqi president Saddam Hussein to the 9/11 attacks of 2001.

"That's fine," said KSON program director John Dimick. "I think that's what's beautiful about living in America, is we all have that opinion and we can voice that opinion."

Dimick said his station has aired phone calls on both sides of the issue.

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