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NewsMinecabal-elite — globalization

16k police to confront g8 protesters { June 5 2007 }
Activists gather for world social forum during economic forum
America once encouraged entrepreneurs not speculators
Big chains hurting dc mom and pop shops { July 12 2007 }
Chinese move from rural farms to city labor { August 21 2006 }
Commonwealth supports Musharraf war on terrorism
Dell to double its india staff by 2009
Earth summit protest
End global apartheid
German raids anti globalization activists { May 10 2007 }
Greenspan preaches for globalization
Greenspan tells house to shun protectionism
Greenspan warns against job protectionism
Imf warns gap between rich and poor nations
India surplus food rots { December 2 2002 }
Indian firms hire europeans and americans for outsourced jobs
Jefferson thought market capitalism favors the few { March 27 2008 }
Languages disappearing
Lego surveillance truck [jpg]
Lego world police toys
Nafta jobs mexico { October 19 2002 }
Pentagon pushes end buy american { May 11 2003 }
Putin bush meet camp david { September 27 2003 }
Russian us pacific operations
Shortage of engineers not reason for outsourcing { April 4 2007 }
Socsecurity to mexico { December 19 2002 }
Teen elected mayor to protect outsourcing
Texas republican party urges leaving wto gatt un
The new radicals { April 17 2000 }
Tribals blockade india steel mill { January 10 2006 }
Un global gun control
Us push global police force { June 28 2003 }
Us treasury secretary urges china drop fixed currency { September 2 2003 }
Wealthiest nations meet in boca raton { February 8 2004 }
World tax
Younger generation in east to adopt western customs { May 4 2007 }

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National Security
Support one-state solution for Israel and Palestine Tea Party bumper stickers JFK for Dummies, The Assassination made simple