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Npr claims iran nuclear plans are legitimate { January 4 2007 }

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Study Describes an Iranian Oil Industry in Decline

Morning Edition, January 4, 2007 · Geographer Roger Stern has produced a study predicting a sharp decline in the ability of Iran to export oil in the coming years.

Stern tells Steve Inskeep that Iran's oil revenues may disappear within a decade.

15 brits released from iran after iranian released { April 5 2007 }
America and europe let iran off the hook for now
Attack on iran further hurt oil market { June 2008 }
Blair refuses to back iran strike
Blair says nuking iran would be absurd
British journalists join iran in new tv station { July 3 2007 }
Bush admin not looking for war with iran { October 2007 }
Bush allows iran pipeline into pakistan { February 2006 }
Bush backs russia plan for iran { January 26 2006 }
Bush iran president both appear at united nations
Bush iraq choice chalabi spied for iran { May 22 2004 }
Bush picks pro iran afghan for UN seat { January 6 2007 }
Bush plays down iran attack { July 2 2008 }
Bush says no objection to iranian gas pipeline
Bush takes a more diplomatic approach on iran { September 21 2006 }
Cease fire with mujahedeen { April 29 2003 }
Cia agent feeds media and helps iran { March 26 2008 }
Condoleezza wants diplomatic relations with iran { May 2008 }
Eu refuses on iran military action { April 29 2006 }
EU to offer bold incentives to iran { May 15 2006 }
EU to offer iran nuclear reactor { May 16 2006 }
Europe demands continued support for iran { January 30 2007 }
French president doesnt mind iran nuclear weapons { February 1 2007 }
Iran agrees to talk with US about iraq { March 17 2006 }
Iran backs US in afghan conflict { May 4 2006 }
Iran boosted by US war on terror { August 23 2006 }
Iran dispute long way from military action
Iran gets weapons from pentagon via pakistan
Iran hands 16 alqaeda to saudis
Iran holding alqaeda top members { July 23 2003 }
Iran illegally supplies israel with oil { April 8 2008 }
Iran is chief beneficiary of war on terror
Iran leader oks talks with US on iraq { March 21 2006 }
Iran reaches out to bush in letter { April 2006 }
Iran receives nuclear fuel from russia { December 18 2007 }
Iran says safe from overstretched US
Iran seriously considering US offer { June 16 2006 }
Iran US to discuss iraq colonization this week { June 2007 }
Iran wants four more years of bush and iraq war { October 23 2004 }
Iranians smuggling in western toys { March 2008 }
Irans ahmadinejad has proof US wont attack { August 2007 }
Iraqi chalabi denies charges he spied for iran { May 24 2004 }
Israel arms iran inquiry
Israel arms iran
Israeli lobby group accuses bush of helping iran { December 25 2005 }
Nato interpreter charged with passing secrets to iran { December 21 2006 }
Neocon lieberman downplays iran terror links { March 2008 }
New defense secretary wants ties with iran { November 8 2006 }
No action imminent against defiant iran { September 1 2006 }
No US strike on iran says powell { November 19 2007 }
Npr claims iran nuclear plans are legitimate { January 4 2007 }
Panel discusses direct talks with iran and syria { November 27 2006 }
Putin warns against attacks on iran { September 2007 }
Rice now offers deal to iran { June 4 2006 }
Rice will talk with iran about iraq stabilization
Rock solid evidence bush pick spied for iran { May 21 2004 }
Russia accuses british arming iran { March 28 2003 }
Russia and china wont back iran sanctions { October 2006 }
Russia delivers missiles to iran { December 2007 }
Russia delivers rockets to iran { October 2006 }
Russia firm sells missiles to iran { September 16 2003 }
Russia opposes US on iran sanctions { April 21 2006 }
Russia warns against conflict with iran { January 2006 }
Russia will supply air defense systems to iran
Russians building nuclear plant in iran { August 16 2002 }
Russians sell air defense systems to iran { November 2007 }
Since 2003 iran US holding secret talks { March 2008 }
Top general says iran isnt arming iraq insurgents
Uk sells bomb materials to iran { September 23 2002 }
UN plays down iran nuclear abilities { March 2007 }
UN sanctions on iran are worthless { October 24 2007 }
UN security council discusses gifts for iran { May 23 2006 }
US agrees to 2003 iran dialogue 3 years later { June 18 2006 }
US and iran hold rare direct talks { February 2007 }
US and iran open talks to stop iraq violence { March 16 2006 }
US backs iran tied shiite government for iraq { February 16 2007 }
US begging iran to meet for security talks { November 20 2007 }
US begs iran for talks { March 2008 }
US begs iran to hold talks { July 18 2007 }
US built major iranian nuclear facility { August 23 2006 }
US fuels iran nuclear policy { February 9 2006 }
US helps fund iran nuclear plants { February 7 2008 }
US hides alliance with iran on afghanistan war
US insists on iran syria talks { February 2007 }
US iran agree in first talks in 27 yrs { May 29 2007 }
US opens doors to bilateral talks with iran { February 2007 }
US policy increasing iran power { March 2008 }
US rebel aid helps iran hard liners { March 2008 }
US russians help iran go nuclear { February 7 2008 }
US threatening rheotoric helps crush iran dissent { May 23 2006 }
US unwittingly helped build irans clout
White house says bush against iran pipeline
Whitehouse denounces iran attack story { May 20 2008 }
Whitehouse downplays iran threat to iraq { April 9 2008 }

Files Listed: 94


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