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NewsMinecabal-elite — election-fraud

Action was delayed on felons list problems { August 2 2004 }
All the presidents votes
Black voters intimidated by florida law enforement
Bush demands elections without foreign forces
Campaigns launched to protest minitory voters { August 26 2004 }
Congressman alleged voter intimidation by FDLE { August 25 2004 }
Dead voter bill { May 1 2003 }
Doj crask down { October 31 2002 }
Election official knew of list errors in florida
Florida election supervisors squabbling over machines
GOP accused of plot against minorities { August 26 2004 }
Greg palast { November 4 2002 }
Groups say GOP moves to stifle black voters { August 26 2004 }
Kerry suggested gop blocked million black votes
Online absentee voting { August 6 2003 }
Putin compares democratic retreats to electoral college { February 24 2005 }
Reailty candidate show { September 21 2002 }
Sequoia and ess florida voting machines flawed { July 11 2004 }
Vote wont matter

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