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Less jerusalem jews

January 2003

>Jewish population of Jerusalem shrinking
>By Nadav Shragai
>About 40 percent of children up to the age of four in Jerusalem are
>Palestinians, and 41 out of 100 births in the capital are to Palestinan
>mothers. Annual birth rates in Jerusalem's Palestinian sector are much higher
>than rates in the Jewish population: 31 births per 1,000 people in the Arab
>population, versus 19 births per 1,000 in the Jewish sector.
>Annual figures for Jerusalem, released yesterday by the Jerusalem Institute
>for Israel Studies and the Jerusalem Municipality, show that ultra-Orthodox
>children represent a solid majority in the city's pre-school frameworks.
>Haredi children constitute 62 percent of the children in compulsory
>kindergarten, whereas just 38 percent of Jerusalem's kindergarten children are
>enrolled in the state and state-religious streams.
>On average, a Jewish woman in Jerusalem has 3.8 children, whereas the figure
>for Jewish women throughout the country is 2.6 (in Haifa and Tel Aviv the
>figure is 1.8). The numbers are higher in Jerusalem mainly due to the large
>size of ultra-Orthodox families. Haredi women have an average of 7.5 children.
>Muslim families in Jerusalem are also large; Muslim women have an average of
>4.5 children, which is slightly below the national average for Muslims.
>Speaking yesterday at a press conference held to mark the release of the
>city's 2001 data, Jerusalem Mayor Ehud Olmert declared: "I am very worried by
>Jerusalem's demographic situation. Nothing is more worrisome than this topic.
>The situation has to be taken in hand, but doing so means wide-scale
>intervention, and a much more intensive use of national mechanisms than can be
>done by the Jerusalem municipality."
>The new data establish that departures from Jerusalem to live elsewhere
>lessened in 2001. In 1999 and 2000, Jerusalem lost an average of 8,000 people
>a year; this figure dropped to 5,900 in 2001. The reason for the drop in the
>number of Jerusalemites leaving is related to the Al-Aqsa Intifada: fewer city
>residents left to live in West Bank and Gaza Strip settlements during 2001.
>However, in contrast to previous years, more Jerusalemites left the city to
>live in Tel Aviv.
>Jerusalem's population grew 152 percent between 1967 and 2001. The city's
>Jewish population, which today stands at 456,000, grew 130 percent in this
>period, while the Arab population, 215,400 today, rose by 214 percent.
>Over half the city's residents - 371,000 Jews and Arabs out of 670,000 - live
>in areas that were added to Jerusalem after the 1967 Six-Day War. A minority
>(46 percent) of the residents of post-'67 neighborhoods are Jewish. In terms
>of the city's total Jewish population, 62 percent live within the Green Line
>boundaries, and 38 percent live in regions that were annexed to the city after
>the 1967 war.
>If the current intifada has harmed tourism to all parts of the country, it has
>delivered a lethal blow to tourism in the capital. In western section of the
>city, hotel stays have dropped 80 percent over the past two years; in East
>Jerusalem, the figure is 100 percent. In the western areas, the number of
>persons staying in hotels dropped from 2.85 million in 2000 to 1.36 million in
>2001; in the city's eastern (Arab) parts, this figure dropped from 600,000 in
>2000 to 104,500 in 2001.
>The intifada also apparently influenced the frequency with which residents
>sought care in hospitals located in Arab sections of Jerusalem. Some 153,000
>persons received care in the city's hospitals in 2001. Of these, 84 percent
>went to hospitals located in Jewish neighborhoods, and 16 percent received
>care in hospitals in Arab neighborhoods. Statistics in the new study reflect a
>7 percent drop in the number of patients admitted to hospitals in Jerusalem's
>Arab neighborhoods, in contrast to just a 1 percent drop in patients who
>received care in facilities located in Jewish parts of the city.
>The statistics indicate a sharp drop in the number of visitors to museums and
>cultural institutions in Jerusalem. This decrease was apparently caused by the
>security crisis, and perhaps also by the stagnant economy. In 2001, 1.6
>million people visited a defined group of museums and cultural institutions in
>the city; in 1999, 4 million visited the same group of institutions, and 3.7
>million in 2000.

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