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Swastikas slur painted on synagogue

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Swastikas, slur painted on synagogue

SACRAMENTO, Dec. 9 (UPI) -- Police are looking for vandals who painted red swastikas and the message "Die Jew" at a South Lake Tahoe, Calif., synagogue on Hanukkah eve.

The Nazi symbol was spray-painted at several other points around town, the Sacramento Bee said, on road signs and utility boxes.

Rabbi Jonathan Freirich of Temple Bat Yam said one of the swastikas was painted on the main window of the temple's sanctuary and another was on a door leading into the synagogue.

The vandalism, discovered Tuesday, apparently took place before a storm swept through the region, officials said. No tracks were found in the snow.

The incident marked the second such vandalism at area synagogues in recent months. A similar attack occurred in Reno over the Labor Day weekend.

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Swastikas slur painted on synagogue

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