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Kerry votes against military spending { February 1 2004 }

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Is John Kerry the New Democrat Golden Boy? Part Two: His Military Voting Record

Posted by Barbara Stock
Sunday, February 01, 2004

John Kerry stated that in his first 100 days in office he would increase the military by 40,000 troops. "In the face of grave challenges, our armed forces are spread too thin." This is pompous talk from a man running for president and running from his voting record.

Kerry's desire to deplete the military is a long one. One has to go all the way back to 1972 to find his first plan to take funding from the military and redistribute it to social programs. In his failed race for the Congress, his speeches centered on a simple theme--he promised to vote against all military appropriations. In an interview with Harvard's Crimson he stated that he would "almost eliminate CIA activity and have U.S. troops dispersed throughout the world only at the directive of the United Nations."

Kerry indicated that he felt the war on terror was more a legal problem than a military one. Did convicting some of those who were responsible stop any of the terror attacks leading up to 9/11? "I think there has been an exaggeration," Mr. Kerry said when asked whether President Bush has overstated the threat of terrorism. "They are misleading all Americans in a profound way." Apparently the vision of those jets crashing into the Twin Towers was not imprinted on Senator's Kerry's mind as it was for most Americans. That attack was not just a crime; it was an act of war.

In the 1980's, the Associated Press reported that Kerry sat on the board of the radical liberal group "Jobs with Peace Campaign," whose main objective was to "develop public support for cutting the defense budget."

Senator Kerry voted to reduce the defense spending levels for weapon projects by $8.8 billion in fiscal 1993. (Senate Congressional Resolution 106)

When questioned on defense funding, he said: "I have voted for almost all weapon systems that we have today with few exceptions. Unfortunately, these are people who've never met a system they didn't like. I have." Kerry voted against the B-1 bomber, B-2 stealth bomber, the Apache helicopter, Patriot missile system, the F-15, F-14A, F-14D jets, the AV-8B Harrier jet, and the Trident missile system. He also said he would make sure there were cutbacks to the M1 Abrams tank, the Bradley Fighting Vehicle, the Tomahawk cruise missile, and the F-16 jet. If these are the "unimportant" items he voted against, what on earth were the important ones he did vote for? Even non-military-minded folks easily recognize most of these vital pieces of American technology that helped us to win the Gulf War and Operation Iraqi Freedom with swiftness that shocked the world. It's unimaginable that our armed forces wouldn't have these weapons and weapon systems at their disposal. What new weapons would President Kerry block?

The senator believes innovative weapons only encourage other countries to come up with their own. Does he believe our enemies will be idle just because we do nothing? It is typical liberal thinking that if we disarm so will the enemy.

Senator Tom Harkin, D-Iowa, added an amendment to the Fiscal 1996 Budget Resolution that would freeze defense spending for seven years and transfer the $34.8 billion in savings to education and job training. Kerry Voted Yea (Senate Congressional Resolution 13, CQ Vote #181: Rejected 28-71) If that amendment had passed in 1996, what condition would our military have been in by 2001?

The Senator introduced a bill to slash Department of Defense funding by $6.5 billion. Kerry's draconian bill had no co-sponsors and never came to a floor vote. (Senate 1580, Introduced 2/29/96)

An amendment introduced by Harkin and supported by Kerry was to Senate Bill 2057: National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 1999.

This amendment would have transferred $329 million from the Department of Defense to the Veterans Affairs Department for veteran's health care programs. The transfer would be conducted by the secretary of defense in a manner which ''causes the least significant harm'' to military readiness and to the quality of life of military personnel. While it is imperative to take care of our veterans, making those presently wearing the uniform suffer is not the answer. Many in uniform were already struggling and on food stamps. Taking more from them would have been criminal. The Harkin amendment was defeated.

John Kerry ignored the growing threat to this country. We had had several terrorist attacks including the first attack on the WTC in 1993, but with blinders on, Kerry had one vision-weaken the military, cut the CIA, and use the money for his ever-growing social giveaway programs. His total ignorance of what America would need for defense in the new century is shocking. Kerry had twice placed in the Congressional Record that America had no enemies or threats to her security. Did he ignore the threats or was it that he just didn't care?

As an interesting sideline, Kerry referred twice to the downing of TWA Flight 800 as a terrorist attack. In light of such statements, one has to wonder why he continued his hack-and-slash policies of the very forces that would be called upon to protect us from such attacks.

Kerry wants us to ignore that if he had been successful in his quest, we could very well be in an all out war on American soil. Had we followed his vision, our soldiers would not have the high-tech equipment they have and use so effectively. If bills Senator Kerry supported had passed, our military readiness would be nonexistent. Had John Kerry been in charge, our soldiers would be under U.N. control.

Kerry wants us to remember that he served in Viet Nam and won a Silver Star, although he wants us to forget that he came home and called his fellow soldiers war criminals. He later admitted that he never saw any of the atrocities he testified to in front of Congress. The basis of his testimony--the Jane Fonda sponsored ''Detroit Winter Soldier'' event--has long been questioned and some say many of the ''veterans'' who testified at that event, were not veterans at all. Many Viet Nam vets were outraged at being described as vicious animals.

Kerry can't say his words were twisted or taken out of context. These votes and comments are well documented and demonstrate that John Kerry's newfound love and support of the military is strictly political, phony, and false. He still doesn't see the terrorist threat to this country. On the basis of that alone, Senator Kerry as President Kerry would be a threat to this country.

To read Part One, go to:

Barbara is a registered nurse who enjoys writing about politics. Her website is at Republican and Proud, and she receives e-mail at:

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