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Federal reserve system greatest scam perpetrated

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Banking / Federal Reserve System
Hey, I've got an idea. I'm going to open up a bank and force everyone to use my paper currency. If I can get everyone to borrow the paper from me, all I have to do is make sure I never run out of trees and I can sit back and collect the interest from now 'til eternity. But first, i'll have to invent a scheme to get everyone to stop using Real Money, Gold and Silver. I know, being that I'm the banker and everyone already trusts me with their Gold and Silver, i'll start off by printing Gold and Silver certificates that people can carry around instead of the metals, after all, metals are heavy and people can get robbed. Next, over a long period of time, say 20 years, i'll replace the certificates with federal reserve notes (completely WORTHLESS). I'll be rich and America will be BANKRUPT !! The only problem : Some elite English Freemason over at the Bank of England has already thought of it and called it the Federal Reserve System. Another case of "a day late and a dollar short." Well since they'll put us in jail if we were to do it today, we might as well EXPOSE the CRIMINALS for what they are: THIEVES : PARASITES with a PRINTING PRESS. Why does the U.S. Treasury borrow paper (bills of exchange-borrowed=Debt currency) from a foreign, private, for-profit Bank, which is in actuality owned and controlled by the Bank of England. I, by the way, am not the source of this particular charge. These are the findings of the American Congress in a report Titled "Steps Toward A British Union, A World State & International Strife." Ever since the Revolutionary War, England has despised America. Everything believed to the contrary is Propaganda.

England has wanted to establish a central bank in America, by which they could control our economy, for a very long time. Repeatedly, there have been attempts to do this and repeatedly, they failed. Mostly, because the American people knew about what Great Britain wanted to do. But, with the advent of airplanes and technology today, it seems to most Americans that this could no longer be the case. What most people do not realize is that this country would be a far different place if England hadn't gotten their way, back in 1913 with the passing of the Federal Reserve Act. It is a well known fact that English and European interests were heavily involved in this takeover. The Rothschilds, acting as agents for the Bank of England, sent their agents, the Warburgs and J.P. Morgan to set up the deals and "rig" it so that they could get the Act passed.

The Goldsmiths were the first bankers in early England. Primarily because people left their gold with the goldsmiths for safekeeping. The first paper money were "Receipts" for the gold deposits. These represented the gold in storage. These were easier to carry around, and safer, thus making paper money more popular. The goldsmiths realized, after a while, that few people ever came back to trade in their "receipts" for the gold at any one time. It was at this time that Goldsmiths realized they could issue more paper than they had Gold to back it up, thus leading the way to a cheated system. Then they could loan out more money than they had, and collect interest on it, as well. This was the beginning of "Fractional Reserve Banking", or loaning out more money than there is in assetts on deposit. This way nobody ever noticed their wealth accumulation. Currently, in the United States, banks can loan out 10 times the amount they have on deposit. The Goldsmiths also learned what could happen when the "Row" the economy by Issueing more money, then withdrawing that surplus from the economy. When there is more money, people spend more, and borrow more. Then when that money is taken out of the economy, there is no money to pay back the debts with, and it costs more to borrow more money. So, there are more bankruptcies, and re-possessions and the bankers can buy up everything for pennies on the dollar. This is exactly what is happening today. But today, economists who seek to hide these truths from you, call it the "Business Cycle".

Early philosophers like Aristotle, believed that usury was bad for society because the purpose of money was to move goods in society from person to person. The interest on money slowed all of that down, and hence, slowed down the progression of society. It put an unnecessary burdon on money.

Later, the church had outlawed usury as well, but as society grew, they passed laws to allow certain "taxes" on money.

King Henry I of England decided to try to wrestle the power away from the Goldsmiths around 1100 A.D. He invented the "Tally Stick" system. This system lasted 726 years until 1826. Notches were carved along side a wooden stick, indicating various denominations, or amounts. Then the stick was split down the middle, with each half holding a record. Then the King would hold one-half in safekeeping to avoid counterfeiting and he would "spend" the other half into the kingdom or economy, and they would circulate as money. As a matter of fact, shares in the Bank of England were purchased with a tallystick, by at least one of it's shareholders. Yak Dung was used in Tibet as money. Now what do you think of money? Just what it always was, nothin' but S**T. (Money, it's a Hit, don't give me none of that do-goody-good bulls**t!)

In Irony though, shortly after the formation of the Bank of England in 1694, the bank had outlawed the "Tally-stick" system because it was money outside the power of the money changers.

In the 1500's , King Henry VIII relaxed the laws against usury, and the bankers went right to work again. They made the gold and silver money plentiful for a few decades. But, when Queen Mary took the thrown, she tightened the usury laws and the money changers began hoarding the gold and silver, thus causing a depression in the economy. When Queen Elizabeth took the thrown, she was determined to take the power away from the bankers. She decided to issue gold and silver coins from the Treasury to take control over the issuance of money.

Monetary policy played a role in the English Revolution in 1642, when Oliver Cromwell was financed by the bankers to overthrow King Charles. This gave the bankers a chance to consolidate their wealth and led to the establishment of the "City of London". The primier financial center of the world. But, later, conflicts with the Stuart Kings led to an alliance between these bankers and the Jews of Amsterdam to finance the invasion of England by William of Orange. This was the "Glorious Revolution of 1688', as well as the beginning of the "New World Order".

After a series of wars with France and the Netherlands, England was in dire need of money and struck a deal with the International Bankers. England would charter a Government sanctioned, privately controlled, "Central Bank", that would print money out of nothing. It would be called the "Bank of England" to lead people to believe that it was a bank of "England", which it wasn't. The bank sold shares to "Private Investors" and the names of these investors was never disclosed. They were supposed to put up 1 1/4 Million British Pounds in gold coin, but only 750,000 Pounds was ever recieved. The Bank was chartered in 1694 and began loaning out several times more money than it had recieved, at interest. (Fractional Reserve Banking, again.) They would loan the politicians as much money as they wanted, but they had to secure the debt by the "direct taxation" on the people.

(So today, the central bank scam is really a hidden tax. The government sells bonds to the central bank to pay for things it does not have the political will to raise taxes to pay for, but the bonds are purchased with money the central bank creates out of nothing. More money in circulation makes your money worth-less. The government gets as much money as it needs and the people pay for it with "Inflation".)

Soon there was an abundance of money and the price of things doubled. Loans were granted for just about anything. The government debt went from 1 1/4 Million Pounds in 1694 to 16 Million Pounds by 1698. Then the economy went through a series of Booms and Depressions. Just like we are going through today.

50 years after the Bank of England was chartered. Amschel Moses Baur opened a "Counting House" and put up a sign with a "Roman Eagle with a Red Shield". This was to become known as the "House of the Red Shield", or "House of Rothschilds". His son Amschel Meyer Baur changed his name to "Rothschild". He learned to loan money to kings and governments, instead of people. This was more profitable because the loans were secured by the "taxes" on the people. Amschel Had 5 sons. His first son Amschel Meyer stayed in Frankfurt. His second son Soloman went to Vienna, third Nathan, was sent to London, at age 21, in 1798. Carl, his forth son, went to Naples, and Jacob, his fifth son, went to Paris.

In 1785, Mayer Amschel moved his entire family to a House called the "Greenshield", which they shared with the "Schiff" family.

The Rothschilds broke into financial dealings with Royalty through Prince William of Hess Hessell, whom Rothschild was helping to speculate on precious coins. But when Napolian chased William into exile, William sent 550,000 Pounds to Nathan Rothschild in London, with instructions to buy Consoles (British Government Bonds), also called Government Stock, but Rothschild used the money for his own purposes, speculating on the conflicts. Price William returned shortly before Waterloo in 1815 and demanded his money back from Rothschild. Rothschild gave the Prince all of his money back, including the interest he would have earned if he had invested in the Consoles, but Rothschild kept 100% of the profits that he had earned playing with the Prince's money. This made Rothschild very wealthy.

Nathan Rothschild once bragged that in the 17 years he had been in England, he had increased the original wealth of 20,000 Pounds, given to him by his father, by over 2500 times. By the mid 1800's the Rothschilds were one of the wealthiest families in the world and controled all the major banks of Europe. (At this point it would be appropriate to interject an editorial note: Most people who study conspiracies think the Rothschilds run the world, and some believe falsely, that they always have. Others, who are racist, and anti-semitic point to this era and try to use it to "prove" that "Jews" run the world. I have put together a "Roots of Racism and Anti-Semitism" Page, which you can view by Clicking Here. This should tie several ideas in together and explain in part why this is NOT true, even though it may appear that way at times).

The Rothschilds financed Cecil Rhodes and his control over the Diamond Mines in South Africa, as well as the Harrimans and Vanderbilts and the Railroad empire, and Andrew Carnegie and the Steel Industry. After J.P. Morgan's death, it was discovered that he owned only 19% of J.P. Morgan companies. In 1850, James Rothschild, the heir of the French branch of the family was said to be worth 600,000,000 French Franks. That was 150,000,000 more than all the other bankers in France combined.

By the mid 1700's, the British governments debt to the Bank of England was 140,000,000 Pounds, which was quite a bit. So, they looked to the colonies in America to "extract" the revenue necessary to pay the British governments debts to the Bank of England.

Benjamin Frankin was sent to London in 1757. It was during this time that the colonies began to experiment with the issuance of their own currency, called "Colonial Script". This worked well. It was debt free, not interest bearing.

Benjamin Franklin was called before the Parliament in London and asked how he could account for the prosperity in the colonies. Here is what Benjamin Franklin had to say :

"That is simple. In the colonies, we issue our own paper money. It is called 'Colonial Script'. We issue it in proper proportion to make the goods pass easily from the producers to the consumers. In this manner, creating ourselves our own paper money, we control it's purchasing power and we have no interest to pay to no one."

(To read about this exact incident, and what Benjamin Franklin had to say about it, Click Here!!)

Later, Franklin wrote in his autobiography, "The colonies would gladly have borne the little tax on tea and other matters, had it not been that England took away from the colonies their money, which created unemployment and dissatisfaction. The inability of the colonists to get power to issue their own money permanently out of the hands of George III and the International Bankers was the Prime reason for the Revolutionary War. - There you have it!

Originally, King George was a stockholder of the Bank of England. Although he lost the war with the United States, he stood to gain shortly with the re-establishment of a Central Bank in the United States. The war, itself, was originally over bills of exchange. England passed a law making it illegal for the colonies to isse their own currency. It was called the "Currency Act of 1764". This caused a great depression in America. Before this happened, the colonies were prosperous. Too prosperous for Great Britain. Therefore THE CURRENCY ACT OF 1764 WAS THE PRIMARY CAUSE OF THE REVOLUTIONARY WAR. Upon learning that the People of America had learned the "Secret" of Money, the Bank of England through the Crown declared war on the Colonies.

Franklin then wrote of the conditions that occured after the "Currency Act was passed : "In one year, the conditions were so reversed that the era of prosperity ended, and a depression set in, to such an extent that the streets of the Colonies were filled with unemployed"

At the beginning of the War at Lexington and Concord, in 1775, the Colonies had been drained of all their Gold and Silver by heavy taxation. The Continental government had to print money to finance the war. At the beginning of the war the U.S. money supply was at 12 Million Dollars, but by the end of the war, it was 500 Million dollars, thereby making the colonists money virtually worthless.

In 1781, the Continental Congress was desperate for fundsand met at Independance Hall to appoint their Financial Superintendant Robert Morris, to head the "Bank of North America", which was closely modeled after the Bank of England and was allowed to practice "Fractional Reserve Banking". Robert Morris had made lots of money during the war trading war materials. The banks charter called for private investors to put up $400,000.00 Capital as the initial investment. But when Robert Morris was unable to raise up the capital he used his political influence to have Gold deposited in the bank that had been loaned to America by France. Then he loaned this money to himself and his friends to "re-invest" in shares of the bank. The bank also held a monopoly over the National Currency. The Value of American currency fell, and the people realized the dangers of a central bank. At least for a short time. The banks charter was not renewed in 1785. The leader of the effort to kill the bank, William Findley had this to say about it : "The institution, having no principle but that of avarice, will never be varied in it's engross all the wealth , power and influence of the state". The men behind the "Bank of North America" were Thomas Wiling (the banks president), Robert Morris and Alexander Hamilton.

In 1787, when the Continental Congress met to adopt the replacement to the Articles of Confederation, which would become the Constitution, Jefferson had this to say about establishing a central bank in America : "If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered".

Gouvernor Morris was the head of the committee that wrote the final draft of the Constitution. Gouvernor Morris, along with Robert Morris, his boss, and Alexander Hamolton were the one who presented the plan for the "Bank of North America" to the Continental Congress previously. During the debate over the future monetary system of America, Gouvernor Morris spoke out against the new Central Bank plan. He knew what was in store and what the bankers wanted in America. In a letter to James Madison on July 2, 1787, he wrote : "The rich will strive to establish their dominion and enslave the restThey always did..They always will. They will have the same effect here as elsewhere, if we do not, by the power of government, keep them in their proper spheres".

Only a few years later, when Hamilton was Secretary of the Treasury, he helped push a Bank Bill through Congress to establish the "First Bank of the United States" in 1791. Thomas Wiling again served as the banks president. This was the same year that Rothschild said : "Let me issue and control a nations currency and I care not who makes its laws". This bank was given a 20 year charter. Just as with the "Bank of North America" before it, this bank was given a monopoly over the currency in America. And just as with the "Bank of America", the Private Stockholders really never had to put up the funds on their end. While 80% of the stock was to be held privately, and the other 20% purchased by government, it was through the aquisition of the 20%, and then the Franctional Reserve banking "tricks", and wha-lah, this somehow paid for the Private Investors portion, which was never put up AT ALL. The government put up the initial $2 Million and through Fractional Reserve banking, the bank then made loans to it's private investors for the remaining $8 Million Dollars. Over the first 5 years the government borrowed 8.2 million dollars, and over the same 5 year, prices rose by 72%. Thomas Jefferson, as the new Secretary of State, watched with sadness, and made the following statement "I wish it were possible to obtain a single amendment to our Constitution - taking from the federal government their power of borrowing".

In Paris, the Bank of France was created in 1800, just like the Bank of England. Napoleon wanted France to break free from the power of the bankers and the debt. He said that when the government is dependent on bankers for money, the bankers, not the leaders of government, are in control. This is what he said "The hand that gives is above the hand that takes. Money has no motherland; financiers are without patriotism and without decency: their sole object is gain".
In 1800, Thomas Jefferson narrowly defeated John Adams to become the third President. By 1803, Jefferson and Napoleon had struck a deal. The U.S. would give Napolean $3 Million in Gold in exchange for the Louisiana Territory. Napoleon took this money and set out about Europe to conquering everything in his path. But the Bank of England financed every nation in his path to oppose him, reaping profits from all angles. Prussia, Austria, and Russia all went heavily into debt trying to oppose Napoleon. While the French army was in Russia, Nathan Rothschild, the head of the London office of the Rothschild family organized a smuggled shipment through France to finance an attack by the Duke of Wellington of Spain. This led to Louise XVIII of France becoming king. Then several years later, after Napoleon returned from exile, it was said that he borrowed $5 Million from the Bank of England.
At Waterloo, where Napoleaon suffered his final defeat, Rothschilds had agents located. Rothworth, a friend of Rothschild, delivered the news of Napoleans defeat 24 hours before Wellington's own courier.
Upon hearing the news, Nathan took up his position at the Stock Market. All eyes were on him. People knew that he had a legendary communications network, and he would be privy to certain "news". Investors knew that if Napoleon had won, and Wellington had been defeated, and Napoleon was loose on the continent again, Britain's financial future would be uncertain. He looked down, and at one point he began selling. This led investors to believe that Napoleon had won and Wellington had been defeated. Soon, panicked investors began selling their consules, (British Gov. Bonds) and Britain's stock market plummeted, and their prices started falling. Then, secretly, Rothschild had his people buy up all these Bonds for only a fraction of their worth. 100 Years later, The New York Times ran a story about how Rothschild's grandson had attempted to aget a court order to suppress the release of a book that documented this incident. The Rothschilds claimed the book was untrue and libelous. The court rejected the Rothschild claim and allowed the publication to proceed.
There is speculation that it was at this precise moment that the Rothschilds took control of the British Bond market and ultimately, the Bank of England.

In 1811, a bill was put forth to renew the charter of the Bank of the United States. The Legislators of Pennsylvania and Virginia passed Resolutions asking congress to veto the bill. In 1812, Jefferson refused to renew the Charter, and then England brought on the war. (The other reason for the war was that the "Original 13th Amendment" had been ratified in 12 of the required 13 states, and was in the process of being finally approved. To read about that, Click Here!!) Then, a few years later, in 1816, another Rothschild agent, Nicholas Bittol, chartered the second Central Bank of the United States. At this time is was suggested that the Rothschild had control over the Second Central Bank in the United States.
In 1828, Jackson was elected President. Immediately, he went to work to get rid of the bankers people in the U.S. posts. He fired 2,000 of the 11,000 federal government employees. In 1832, when Jackson was up for re-election, the banker's tried to get an early renewal bill for the Bank passed. But, Jackson vetoed the bill and made a speech concerning this event. He said "It is not our own citizens only who are to receive the bounty of our government. More than 8 Millions than the stock of theis bank are held by foreigners...Is there no danger to our liberty and independence in a bank that in it's nature has so little to bond it to our country? Controlling our currencies, recieving our public moneys, and holding thousands of our citizens in dependence...would be more formidable and dangerous than a military power of the enemy. If government would confine itself to equal protection, and, as Heaven does it's rains, shower it's favor alike on the high and the low, the rich and the poor, it would be an unqualified blessing. In the act before me there seems to be a wide and unnecessary departure from these just principles".
In 1832, when Jackson ran for re-election, he was the first president to take his campaign on the road. His slogan was "JACKSON and NO BANK!" Despite the fact that the bankers poured over $3 Million into Henry Clay's campaign to defeat Jackson, he still won by a landslide. When re-elected he stated "The hydra of corruption is only scotched, not dead". In 1833, he attempted to remove the government deposits in the bank, but people in that position refused to do so. He had to fire two people until, the third person selected was coming up for appointment, and he was opposed. Nicholas Bittle made the following bold statement after this event, "This worthy President thinks that because he has scalped indians and imprisoned judges, he is to have his way with the bank. He is mistaken." -- Then he made an even bolder statement, declaring that the bank would make money scares to get congress to restore the bank. He stated "Nothing but widespread suffering will produce any effect on Congress... Our only safety is in pursuing a steady course of firm restriction - and I have no doubt that such a course will ultimately lead to restoration of the currency and the recharter of the bank." This is what happened. But, Biddle blamed it all on Jackson. This led to his censure by Congress.
In 1834, the House voted against re-chartering the bank. Then this was followed up by an investigation into whether the bank had caused the crash. When the investigators arrived with subpoenas to get the evidence from Nicholas Biddle, they were denied any information. They were also refused info. concerning money he had given to congressmen prior to the vote, and he refused to testify before the committee.
In 1835, Jackson payed off the final installment on the national debt. He was the first and only president to ever do this. This debt was necessitated by the banks' issuing currency for government bonds instead of just issuing Treasury notes with such debt.
A few weeks after this, a man by the name of Richard Lawrence tried to shoot Jackson. Both revolvers failed and he was arrested and tried. He was found not guilty by reason of insanity and after his release had been known to brag to several friends that wealthy people in Europe had put him up to it and promised to get him released if he had been caught.
In 1836, Andrew Jackson said "By God, you are a den of vipers and theives and I intend to route you out", and he removed all the government deposits in the second Bank of the United States, and it collapsed. To get revenge, England suspended all American paper and caused the first depression in America, called the "Panic of 1837". During this banker instilled "Panic", the Rothschilds bought up American Securities at $.01 on the Dollar. This money was used to get the first "puppet" financiers and "Industrialists" off the ground. This was mainly J.P. Morgan, who was the Rothschilds "secret" agent" in America, as well as the Rockefellers.
Then the bankers went to work to start the civil war. Otto Von Bismark, the chancellor of Germany, who united the German states just a few years later, had this to say : "The division of the United States into federations of equal force was decided long before the civil war by te high financial powers of Europe. These bankers were afraid, that the United States, if they remained as one block, and as one nation, would attain economic and financial independence, which would upset their financial domination over the world". (Whew, quite a statement there!)
Why was Abraham Lincoln assassinated? There is good reason to believe that the bankers were behind it. When Lincoln needed money for the war in 1861, and went with his Secretary of the Treasury Soloman P. Chase, to get loans, he was offered loans at 24 to 36% interest. Lincoln refused. He called on his friend Colonal Dick Taylor of Chicago to help him figure out how to finance the war. After one session, they met, and Lincoln asked him how it could be done. Here is Dick's reply : "Why Lincoln, that is easy. Just get Congress to pass a bill authorizing the printing of full legal tender Treasury notes... and pay your soldiers with them, and go ahead and win your war with them also".
In 1862 and 1863, he printed $450 Million dollars in interest-free "Green-backs". He stated "The government should create, issue, and circulate all the currency and credit needed to satify the spending power of the government and the buying power of consumers. -- The privilege of creating and issuing money is not only the supreme prerogative of government, but it is the government's greatest creative opportunity. -- By the adoption of these principles... the taxpayers will be saved immense sums of interest. Money will cease to be master and become the servant of humanity." An editorial in the London times revealed the bankers attitude at the time, "If this mischievious financial policy, which has it's origin in North America, shall become endurated down to a fixture, then that government will furnish it's own money without cost. It will pay off debts and be without debt. It will have all the money necessary to carry on it's commerce. It will become prosperous without precedent in the history of the world. The brains, and wealth of all countries will goto North America. That country must be destroyed or it will destroy every monarchy on the globe".
Shortly before he was assassinated, he made the following statement : "The money power preys upon the nation in times of peace, and conspiracies against it in times of adversity. It is more despotic than monarchy, more insolent than autocracy, more selfish than bureaucracy."
After Lincoln's death, Otto Von Bismark made the following statement, "The death of Lincoln was a disaster for Christendom. There was no man in the United States great enough to wear his boots. I fear that foreign bankers with their craftiness and torturous tricks will entirely control the exhuberant riches of America, and use it systematically to corrupt modern civilation. They will not hesitate to plunge the whole of Christendom into wars and chaos in order that the Earth should become their inheritance."

The Founding Fathers were MOST opposed to the international bankers. In the banking quotes section, you can read the dozens of statements that they made. (To Read, Click Here!!)
Many authors over 50 years have written on the Federal Reserve and it's role in bankrupting our economy so I will only bring out the most important parts.

Previously, certain beliefs were held by people in this country, as to how and why our Federal Reserve had come to run the country. But, recently, with the advent of much commercial law info. coming down the "pike" these days, there are many newly revised theories and ideas about how our country is run and why it is run that way.

Many people believe that Gold and Silver are the only valuable commodities with true "Value". They also believe that our "Paper Money", backed by our belief in "In God We Trust", is completely worthless and this has been done intentionally. There is alot of truth to that, and I used to believe that wholeheartedly. Now, I only look at it as a "Half-Truth". Listening to Rice McLeod on his Seminar Video Tapes, he talks about letters written from J.P. Morgan to his son. In those letters J.P. Morgan is expalining to his son why they crashed the market. He explains it was to "get ahold of the commodities market". One of the things he was bringing up is that you can not "Eat Gold or Silver" when there is famine and starvation, so what good is it, really. Now, there is some real truth to this. Especially for those that are "Stuck" in the Gold and Silver mindset.

In order to bring about the "Industrial Revolution", the banks needed to "Float the Economy", meaning they needed to inflate the economy with "Value" that doesn't really exist. In order to do this, you must be dealing with "Paper Currency", which is more "Flexible". Transfer is easier than with metals, and now, with "Electronic Funds Transfer", and more recently "E-Commerce" in whole, could you imagine sending money to websites that is only gold or silver, in the mail. This is how you would have to do it to actually transfer the Gold or Silver. Even that is changing now, though, with "E-Gold" on the Internet. But, in the past, in order to "Move Money", you had to use "Paper". Checks, Drafts, Notes, and Bills of Exchange.

In Europe, in the 1700's and 1800's, they used "Bills of Exchange" commonly between bankers and businessmen. A "Bill of Exchange" would be drawn on one bank ordering them to "Pay" to another Bank or another Party, and presented for "Acceptance" or "Dishonor". This methos of doing business without metals goes back even further to the time of the Knights Templars in the 1100's and up to the 1300's. These "Early Day Bankers" invented the modern day "Check". They stored their immense treasures of Gold and Silver in the Temples. If you were a traveler and you dealt with the Templars, you could present a check to them drawn on your account from another Temple. (Things don't change too much over time, do they? The Templars are called the "Masons" today, and the Temples are called "Banks").

Even before this, going back to Rome, there was a problem with the money changers. Two early Roman Emperors tried to put a stop to their practices by passing usery laws, and limiting land ownership to 500 acres. They were both killed. Julius Ceasar returned to Rome the ability to coin it's own money. This made Rome prosperous and also led to his death, by the "Money-Changers".

In the time of Jesus written about in the Bible, Jesus cast the money changers out of the Temple. When Jews came to Jerusalem to pay their Temple tax, they could only pay with a half-sheckal, which was a half-ounce of silver. It was the only coin around at the time that weighed a half-ounce, and did not have a pagan Emporer on it. So, it was the only money that the Jews would use at the time. But the money changers had cornered the market on them and were cutting the supply, and raising the price to whatever they wanted. This was the reason Jesus supposedly overthrew the table of the money changers.

So, in a sense, what they have done is help to "facilitate the transfer of goods and services" in the national economy. Not a bad thing, in itself, unless you consider the fact that they have been keeping the "Secret" of Banking to themselves. Whay are we (the U.S.) borrowing money from another "Private Corporation", when we could be issuing it ourselves? THIS is the Problem. What they have concealed from the masses is the simple fact of "WHERE "CREDIT" MONEY COMES FROM!!! It comes from "Your Signature". Unless you borrow on somebody elses signature. Then you owe them. That is what we are doing. Borrowing on other people's signatures, instead of using our own.

There is NO MONEY in oue society today. There is ONLY "Credits" and "Debits". But, the question will remain, "Where do they come from?" Well, if you believe they come from the government, a corporation, or if you believe they come from somewhere "Outside" of yourself, you are FOOLING YOURSELF, and you will remain Locked-Away from the truth. CREDIT IS CREATED WITH A SIGNATURE!! You are either a "Creditor", or a "Debtor", period. (To learn more about this exact information, Click Here!!)

Ever since the bakruptcy, they have been borrowing on OUR Credit, through our Birth Certificates, which were pledged as the Collateral fore the debt, in 1933. (To learn more about the Bankruptcy of 1933, Click Here!!)

Currently, the FED regulated the "Value" of the Dollar, geographically, throughout the country. However, this is only the "Public Side" of the banking system. All of the money is "Borrowed into circulation", and therefore carries with it a "Public Liability". This is a "Negative Charge" (-) . When you carry this "Negative Charge" around with you, you must be careful, because you can cause a "short" to occur.

All that "money" or credit is, is electrical energy. That is why it is called "Currency". Our life's energy was "pledged", to the "Public Side" of the government corporation when our Birth Certificates were "Registered". (See: Matrix / Very Similar) So, the money borrowed into circulation from our Birth Certificates represents our Lifeblood "Energy". The Courts were set up to regulate the flow of this energy. (Mostly from your pocket into theirs). But, that is why they are called "Circuit Courts". Because they regulate the flow of Currency in circulation. That is why they are always after your pocketbook, more than actually punishing you or teaching you a lesson.


Banking & Federal Reserve Quotes

A Brief History of Central Banking in the United States - By Edward Flaherty - Click Here!!

How Benjamin Franklin Made New England Prosperous :

Here is a List of Relevant Book & Video Titles - To Read a Comprehensive Summary or to Order, Click on the Item : Items marked with a " * " are in stock and may be ordered. Any Books in the Catalog Marked with a (@) are carried by and most may be ordered. Some are "Out of Print", but if you follow the link,, and have them do a used-bookstore search, they will get back to you with a couple of weeks. Items marked (In Stock) are carried by me and must be purchased through me by Postal Money Order or E-Gold. If Ordering with E-Gold, make sure to contact me me by E-mail first to verify that I have the Items you are looking for. Thank you.

* THE CREATURE FROM JEKYLL ISLAND : A Second Look at the Federal Reserve - Edward Griffin - 1998 - 608 P.

EMPIRE OF THE CITY - E.C. Knuth - 1946 -




FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM : Its' Purposes and Functions - Comments by Silas W. Adams -



* THE MIRACLE ON MAIN STREET - F. Tupper Saussy - 160 P. - 1980 -

* THE FEDERAL RESERVE CONSPIRACY - Antony Sutton - 115 P. - 1995 -

* AMERICA IN DEPRESSION : The Coming Economic Collapse - Dr. James R. von Feldt & Dr. Ronald S. von Feldt -
1993 - 130 P. -

* AFTER THE CRASH : Life in the New Great Depression - Michael Haga - 261 P. - 1996

* ON THE HORNS OF THE BEAST : The Federal Reserve and the New World Order - William Still - 312 P. -

* THE GREAT SNOW JOB : The Story of Taxes and Money, Fraud and Slavery - Barry Konikov - 174 P. - 1995 -

* FINANCIAL TERRORISM : Hijacking America Under the Threat of Bankruptcy - John McManus - 280 P. - 1993 -

M.D.- 1995 -

* THE SECRETS OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE--Eustace Mullins--191 P.- 1991 -

THE RON PAUL MONEY BOOK: The Monetary Writings of Congressman Ron Paul - 334 P. - 1991 -

THE DISPATCH OF THE MERCHANTS - William L. Avery - A.M. - 82 P. -1977 -

* THE FEDERAL RESERVE CONSPIRACY : The Rockefeller Gold Corner - Dr.Emmanuel M. Josephson - 374 P. -
1964 -

THE MERCHANT BANKERS : An Inside View of the Fabulous Financial World Personified By The Hambros, The
Baring Brothers, Siegmund Warburg, the Rothschilds, The Lehman Brothers, the Deutche Bank, and the Banca
Commerciale Italiana - Joseph Wechsberg - 365 P. -1966 -

MONEY ! : Questions and Answers For The Oppressed Peoples Of America - Rev.Charles E. Coughlin - 188 P. - 1935

* GOLD FOR SURVIVAL--Antony Sutton--

* THE HISTORY OF MONEY IN AMERICA - From the Earliest Times to the Establishment of the Constitution -
Alexander Del Mar--1899-

MONEY MANIPULATION AND SOCIAL ORDER : Rev. Dennis Fahey - 107 P. - 1944 -

MONEY : The Greatest Hoax On Earth - Inflation Expose - Merrill Jenkins - 244 P. - 1971 -

* LAWFUL MONEY EXPLAINED - (REPRINT)--How to Win Back Your America Gertrude M.Coogan - 1939 - 67 P.

31 P.-

* THE FEDERAL RESERVE HOAX : The Age Of Deception - (REPRINT) - Wickliffe B. Vennard Sr. - 167 P. -

* THE SOLUTION TO THE FEDERAL RESERVE PROBLEM - (REPRINT)- Wickliffe B. Vennard Sr. - 1966 - 24 P.


* FIFTY YEARS IS ENOUGH : The Case Against the World Bank & the International Monetary Fund - Kevin Danaher

LINES OF CREDIT - ROPES OF BONDAGE : The Story of the Financiers, Their Fellow Conspirators, and the Plot To
Destroy Western Civilization - Robert Henry Goldsborough-


* "THE NEW WORLD ORDER"-(Fifty Years of Research--5000 Years of History) - Eustace Mullins W/ Bobby Lee..60

EUSTACE MULLINS SPEAKS OUT - Hawaii - 90 Min - $25.00

1-19-95 -


* LIBERTY IN THE BALANCE--America, the Fed, and the IRS - Mosaic Media -

* CAPITAL CRIMES : How the Federal Reserve Robs Us Blind--Bill Still -




* WHO RUNS THE GLOBAL ECONOMY ?" - Cliff Kincaid - Granada Forum - 12-4-97 -

* OFFSHORE FINANCIAL PLANNING - Alan Stang - Grenada Forum - 2-13-97 -


THE ECONOMIC ROLLOVER : The Collapse Has Begun--Don McAlvany-


* MONTANA FREEMEN : Sweitzer / Peterson-Lien Seminar and Common Law Course - 1995 - 3 - 2 Hr. Tapes


THE FREEMEN OF MONTANA : A Threat to the International Banksters ? - Jack McLamb -

Andrew jacksons bank veto { July 10 1932 }
Carter 1978 fedreserve { November 2 1978 }
Central bankers racketeering
Congressman mcfadden federal reserve { May 23 1933 }
Congressman ron paul bill repeat federal reserve act
Fed central private bank with commercial stock
Fed replaced 1990s internet boom with housing boom { August 8 2005 }
Federal reserve hides total money supply from public
Federal reserve system greatest scam perpetrated
Foreign central banks buy up treasuries auction
Former treasury official says stop investing in dollar { June 22 2006 }
Hedge funds are in regulatory void
Imf warns of disorderly dollar fall
Mcfadden charges federal reserve { December 18 1930 }
New colorful jackson note { May 14 2003 }
New peach hued us 20bill
Nytimes 1930 mcfadden [gif]
Oil for food looks at white house and ny fed
Oil for food probe includes federal reserve
Oil revenues spent on US bond market { January 11 2006 }
Proposal gives powers to federal reserve { March 31 2008 }
Treasury debt prices take spill { November 9 2005 }
US could be going bankrupt

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