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NewsMinesecurity — terror-suspects

11 terror suspects disappear in US custody { October 12 2004 }
14 top terror suspects transferred to cuba { September 6 2006 }
4 jihad defendants granted bail
British arrest radical cleric US seeks { May 28 2004 }
Cat stevens on terrorist list
CIA avoids scrutiny of detainee treatment { March 3 2005 }
Cia secretly removes detainees from iraq { March 19 2004 }
Concerned judge keeps ex cia agent terrorist in jail
Detainees are drugged unnecessarily { May 14 2008 }
Detriot terror case collapse blow to bush
Doj details abuse of 911 detainees { December 18 2003 }
Ecoterrorists are fbi top domestic terror threat { January 18 2006 }
Fears of guantanamo mistranslations { October 7 2003 }
Feds hid potographs to win terror convictions { March 30 2006 }
Florida clears professor on jihad charges
Growing afghan prison rivals bleak guantanamo { February 26 2006 }
Guantanamo bay espionage charges
Guantanamo detainees of saudi pakistan nationality
Hamas leader awaiting trial after filming bridges { August 31 2004 }
Informer detriot { August 30 2002 }
Lawyer criticizes rules for tribunals { January 22 2004 }
Lawyer quits terror cases after death threat
Lodi mistrial after fbi has no proof of terror ties { April 25 2006 }
Man gets life for paintball { June 16 2004 }
Millennium bomber judge decries attacks on constitution { July 28 2005 }
New tapes show abuse of 911 detainees { December 19 2003 }
Osama driver fights tribunal in supreme court { November 7 2005 }
Prosecutor charged with hiding evidence in terror case { March 30 2006 }
Prosecutor sues ashcroft for mismanaging terror cases { February 19 2004 }
Rewriting of detention military law { October 24 2004 }
Richard reid accomplice arrested { December 3 2003 }
Richard reid [jpg]
Rumsfeld admits secret detentions { June 18 2004 }
Shifts terror threat preparation to urban areas { January 4 2006 }
Singer cat stevens plane diverted by homeland security
Suspects disappeared in secret cia custody
Suspects lawyer convincted for helping terrorists { February 10 2005 }
Terror detainees in england win lords appeal { December 16 2004 }
Terror suspect given citizenship
Terror suspects guilty by association
Terrorism charges dropped against 2 in detriot { September 3 2004 }
Us holds terror suspects at secret locations says redcross
Us wins trial detroit sleeper cell { June 3 2003 }
Wgitmo1129 [jpg]

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