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Us missile hits aljazeera office { April 8 2003 }

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US missile hits Al-Jazeera office
April 8 2003, 3:14 PM

Doha: A US missile hit the Baghdad offices of Al-Jazeera television early today, wounding a cameraman and leaving a correspondent missing, the Qatar-based Arabic news network said.

The station aired footage of the cameraman being taking away for treatment in a car belonging to rival network Abu Dhabi television.

Al-Jazeera's offices are near the Mansur Hotel, not far from the information ministry.

The administrative district around Saddam Hussein's Republican Palace came under attack by a US air force A10 "tank killer" plane for the first time today as US armour engaged in fierce fighting with Iraqi troops inside the sprawling city centre compound.

An AFP correspondent said the aircraft had appeared to fire on a road leading to the information ministry, as well as on the planning ministry and the northern entrance to the palace compound.


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Us missile hits aljazeera office { April 8 2003 }
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