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NewsMine9-11suspectsatta — Viewing Item

Atta was at wrong airport on 911 morning (pdf)

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Able danger identified atta 13 times before attack
Atta face to face
Atta listed at cia front mosque El Farouq with blind sheik
Atta maybe not even in boston on 911 morning
Atta met iraqis
Atta never met in prague
Atta pakistan money
Atta papers destroyed on orders
Atta was at wrong airport on 911 morning [pdf]
Cheney still links iraq 911 { September 29 2003 }
Cia director disputes meeting with iraq intelligence { July 9 2004 }
Famous atta airport footage from wrong airport
Investigating atta and 911 terror attacks { October 20 2001 }
Meeting in prague never happened { May 1 2002 }
Second officer says atta was tagged before attacks { August 23 2005 }
Skyjacker met iraqi { August 2 2002 }

Files Listed: 16


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