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NewsMinewar-on-terrorisraelnegotiations2003-roadmap — militants

Boucher reaffirmed hamas terror list { July 29 2003 }
Hamas calls bush islams biggest enemy { August 23 2003 }
Hamas says truce finalised { June 28 2003 }
Israel agrees to tolerable level palestinian attacks { June 10 2003 }
Militants call off truce { August 21 2003 }
Militants deny truce { June 25 2003 }
Militants offer 3 month truce { June 26 2003 }
Us troops may have go after hamas { June 15 2003 }
Violence during mideast truce { July 3 2003 }

Files Listed: 9


CIA FOIA Archive

National Security
Support one-state solution for Israel and Palestine Tea Party bumper stickers JFK for Dummies, The Assassination made simple